
The Forest


The Forest


Forest Fires

Collaborating with a scientific research team on forest fires in boreal forests, Northern Sweden.


And dreamed strange migrations

A filmic essay/ installation that references the act of protest, the figure of the outsider, using as its materials the ancient Irish poetic work translated by Seamus Heaney - Sweeney Astray. The hero Sweeney becomes ‘like a bird of the air’ and is turned into a demented flying creature by a saint at the Battle of Moira. This event serves as a figure of metamorphosis. A narrative forms from three distinctive parts, to include short monologues and encounters that speak of past and present, noting how little has changed in the passing of time. The second part suggesting one person’s reality is so different from another. The third, a historical voicing by adults and children from Heaney’s text. Shot primarily in the trees.


Like Restless wolves

A moving image work filmed in an old wolf’s territory.